Today was crazy & my patience was almost non-existent! Oliver & Jasper were both in very loud and silly moods. They would not listen to anything I was saying and on the odd occasion they did listen that kept repeating everything I said which was driving me nutty!!!
It was really hard to try and stay calm. My girls are a huge help but I can feel their patience running low and that gets me even more frustrated!
I decided I needed a bit of a break and a nice hot cup of tea so I went down to a little local cafe that has a playground...surely that will keep them happy for 15 minutes but alas that wasn't to be...Jasper just wasn't happy at all so I decided to do what every good mum would do I got my camera and took photos of his temper tantrum to show him when he gets older!!!

I mean seriously if he had just taken the hug when I first offered it to him he could have saved himself a lot of energy and his poor Mumma a lot of under her breath swearing and fist clenching!