Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just a Itch?

My littlest man, Jasper was in a terrible mood all day and there was nothing I could to make him happy. I found myself getting so flustered with him because I just didn't know what he wanted!!
After listening to him scream, offering him all the things that he usually wants and trying to give him a cuddle to calm him down, I popped him in his cot, made myself a nice hot cup of tea & then started feeling guilty for feeling so upset & frustrated with my little guy, I mean if I'm frustrated, how must he be feeling!!! Jasper is now 19 months old and he's still not a real big talker, he'd rather just cry and scream to get what he wants which is obviously not the most effective way of communicating!! After another 20 minutes crying, he started to settle down, decided he wanted a cuddle and then fell asleep in my arms, he continued to sob in he's sleep for a good 15 minutes!!
I sat there with him asleep in my arms just looking at him and I remember thinking, what if he was crying because he had an itch he couldn't reach?! I mean that would be kinda annoying not being able to stratch an itch and extremely frustrating not being able to tell anyone so that they could scratch it for you!! I mean my hubby went out and bought me a back scratcher so I would stop waking him up in the middle of the night to scratch my back for me!
Anyway, I transfered Jasper to his cot and he slept for a bit more than two hours, so I'm thinking he didn't have a itch he couldn't reach, but that he was just a very over tired little guy :)

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