Monday, April 11, 2011

I love being a Mum

Being a Mum can be hard and today started off as a very hard day. I dropped the Oli & Jas off at preschool. Oliver went off a happy young man because hes cousin goes to school with him on Mondays but Jasper was another story..he screamed and screamed and screamed. I gave him a big kiss and cuddle, told I loved him and then gave him to his favorite teacher, but today not even Miss T could calm him down. The girls and I could still hear him crying when we got in the car...I felt so horrible for him but I had promised the girls a 'girls day out' so we left for our favorite cafe for some yummy hot chocolates.
We were sitting around the table & the girls could see that I was upset but they kept telling me to relax, after all Jas had been going to preschool for about a year now, but that was not going to happen until I called the preschool to check on him, so that's what I did, I called to see if he had calmed down, and of course he had, (apparently as soon as the car was out the driveway!!!) I mean I should have known but isn't that always the way. All my children have done the 'being dropped off at preschool' tantrum in an attempt to make me feel bad (who am I kidding it's not an attempt because it works!) but it still, even with baby number 5 I still feel guilty when he does it.
The rest of the day was so lovely and relaxing, I loved spending time with just my girls. We went shoe shopping (sneakers with sequins!) and bought some cosy winter pyjamas. Then we went and played arcade games for an hour, we had a ball!!
After our great day out the girls and I walked into the preschool to pick the boys up. We walked into Oli's room and nearly got knocked over by the big hug we all got, but while Jasper was happy to see us, he decided he wasn't ready to come home yet because he was to busy playing with the puzzles...really Jasper? But I had to laugh, because when I said 'well I'm going home then' and he ran to me as fast as he's little legs would take him!!
I love being a Mum even on the hard days:)
Fiona xx


  1. That is really cool!!

    New follower from MBC.

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  2. Hi Heidi, thanks for reading my blog :) I'm going to pop over and check yours out now. Fiona xxx

  3. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!
